
Equivalences between ad hoc strategies and meta-analytic models for dependent effect sizes

Meta-analyses of educational research findings frequently involve statistically dependent effect size estimates. Meta-analysts have often addressed dependence issues using ad hoc approaches that involve modifying the data to conform to the …

High replicability of newly-discovered social-behavioral findings is achievable.

Failures to replicate evidence of new discoveries have forced scientists to ask whether this unreliability is due to suboptimal implementation of optimal methods or whether presumptively optimal methods are not, in fact, optimal. This paper reports …

Conducting power analysis for meta-analysis of dependent effect sizes: Common guidelines and an introduction to the POMADE R package

Sample size and statistical power are important factors to consider when planning a research synthesis. Power analysis methods have been developed for fixed effect or random effects models, but until recently these methods were limited to simple data …

The efficacy of combining cognitive training and non-invasive brain stimulation: A transdiagnostic systematic review and meta-analysis

Over the past decade, an increasing number of studies investigated the innovative approach of supplementing cognitive training (CT) with non-invasive brain stimulation (NIBS) to increase the effects on outcomes. In this review, we aim to summarize …

Cluster-Bootstrapping a meta-analytic selection model

In this post, we will sketch out what we think is a promising and pragmatic method for examining selective reporting while also accounting for effect size dependency. The method is to use a cluster-level bootstrap, which involves re-sampling clusters of observations to approximate the sampling distribution of an estimator. To illustrate this technique, we will demonstrate how to bootstrap a Vevea-Hedges selection model.


Power for Meta-Analysis of Dependent Effects

Single case design research in Special Education: Next generation standards and considerations

Single case design has a long history of use for assessing intervention effectiveness for children with disabilities. Although these designs have been widely employed for more than 50 years, recent years have been especially dynamic in terms of …

Power approximations for overall average effects in meta-analysis of dependent effect sizes

Meta-analytic models for dependent effect sizes have grown increasingly sophisticated over the last few decades, which has created challenges for a priori power calculations. We introduce power approximations for tests of average effect sizes based …

Investigating narrative performance in children with developmental language disorder: A systematic review and meta-analysis

__Purpose__: Speech-language pathologists (SLPs) typically examine narrative performance when completing a comprehensive language assessment. However, there is significant variability in the methodologies used to evaluate narration. The primary aims …

Multi-level meta-analysis of single-case experimental designs using robust variance estimation

Single-case experimental designs (SCEDs) are used to study the effects of interventions on the behavior of individual cases, by making comparisons between repeated measurements of an outcome under different conditions. In research areas where SCEDs …