
Pooling clubSandwich results across multiple imputations

A colleague recently asked me about how to apply cluster-robust hypothesis tests and confidence intervals, as calculated with the clubSandwich package, when dealing with multiply imputed datasets. Standard methods (i.

Imputing covariance matrices for meta-analysis of correlated effects

In many systematic reviews, it is common for eligible studies to contribute effect size estimates from not just one, but multiple relevant outcome measures, for a common sample of participants.

Bug in nlme::lme with fixed sigma and REML estimation

About one year ago, the nlme package introduced a feature that allowed the user to specify a fixed value for the residual variance in linear mixed effect models fitted with lme().

Simulation studies in R (Fall, 2016 version)

In today’s Quant Methods colloquium, I gave an introduction to the logic and purposes of Monte Carlo simulation studies, with examples written in R. Here are the slides from my presentation.

Bug in nlme::getVarCov

I have recently been working to ensure that my clubSandwich package works correctly on fitted lme and gls models from the nlme package, which is one of the main R packages for fitting hierarchical linear models.

Assigning after dplyr

Hadley Wickham’s dplyr and tidyr packages completely changed the way I do data manipulation/munging in R. These packages make it possible to write shorter, faster, more legible, easier-to-intepret code to accomplish the sorts of manipulations that you have to do with practically any real-world data analysis.


Simulate systematic direct observation data


Cluster-robust variance estimation


Between-case SMD for single-case designs


Single-case design effect size calculator